Entering my last weeks in Bellerbys, the thought of exams just frightens me. Some people just need to take 2-3 exams, but I have to take 6 exams with 4 being re-takes. Why you might ask? Well, I received an offer from Queen Mary and that offer requires me to get a 65% overall with a 65% in either PM1 or PM2 and 65% in either M1 or M2. I originally had a 64% in M1, however I decided to retake it on the notion that I might get that 1% that I need. 

In regards to other subjects, three subjects just make me so tense. Matter & Waves, Pure Maths 2, and Mechanics are subjects that will either make me or break me. Having received a score of 37% in Pure Maths 2 last term, I have to re-sit the module and get 40% or above. The reason I am so stressed out is because I do not know what to expect and what to study. We had a bunch of notes for Matter & Waves, but we didn't know the types of questions that would come.  However, we believe in the capabilities of Daniel Hemmens to get us prepared. However, it isn't only about the exams. Regarding English, we have to complete a 1500-word essay and submit notes, outline, and first draft. The time frame that we are working in isn't giving us enough space to breathe. Everything is tightly packed into two weeks.

Preparing for the Exams
I actually started preparing for the exams from now. I left some subjects out since we still had subjects that we haven't learned yet, but that didn't stop me from doing past papers for modules such as Pure Maths 1, Mechanics 1, and Electricity & Fields. Honestly, Pure Maths 1 was a big issue for me before. I did not understand a lot in the class as the teacher did not explain the topics well. After 2 terms, I can honestly say that there was a huge improvement. A bunch of my friends came together, especially Joshua, and put in the effort to help me get the 65%. I'm very confident now. Maths wasn't my strong suit as I was more interested in Mechanics and the teacher's methods was remarkable. I had some difficulties, but like all students, our mission is to overcome them and do the best of our ability. This is what I'm aiming for and this is what I'll achieve.

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