Entering my last weeks in Bellerbys, the thought of exams just frightens me. Some people just need to take 2-3 exams, but I have to take 6 exams with 4 being re-takes. Why you might ask? Well, I received an offer from Queen Mary and that offer requires me to get a 65% overall with a 65% in either PM1 or PM2 and 65% in either M1 or M2. I originally had a 64% in M1, however I decided to retake it on the notion that I might get that 1% that I need. 

In regards to other subjects, three subjects just make me so tense. Matter & Waves, Pure Maths 2, and Mechanics are subjects that will either make me or break me. Having received a score of 37% in Pure Maths 2 last term, I have to re-sit the module and get 40% or above. The reason I am so stressed out is because I do not know what to expect and what to study. We had a bunch of notes for Matter & Waves, but we didn't know the types of questions that would come.  However, we believe in the capabilities of Daniel Hemmens to get us prepared. However, it isn't only about the exams. Regarding English, we have to complete a 1500-word essay and submit notes, outline, and first draft. The time frame that we are working in isn't giving us enough space to breathe. Everything is tightly packed into two weeks.

Preparing for the Exams
I actually started preparing for the exams from now. I left some subjects out since we still had subjects that we haven't learned yet, but that didn't stop me from doing past papers for modules such as Pure Maths 1, Mechanics 1, and Electricity & Fields. Honestly, Pure Maths 1 was a big issue for me before. I did not understand a lot in the class as the teacher did not explain the topics well. After 2 terms, I can honestly say that there was a huge improvement. A bunch of my friends came together, especially Joshua, and put in the effort to help me get the 65%. I'm very confident now. Maths wasn't my strong suit as I was more interested in Mechanics and the teacher's methods was remarkable. I had some difficulties, but like all students, our mission is to overcome them and do the best of our ability. This is what I'm aiming for and this is what I'll achieve.

Brief Introduction
What are Internet Scams? How do they hurt us? Do they have an affect on society or on individuals? The easy definition to Internet Scams is basically taking advantage of someone, whether its identity theft through stealing personal information regarding their National ID or their credit card etc. It is found everywhere in the world. The reason why it is so common is due to the society's rapid change in interaction and social life. Everything in life whether its business or social life, it requires the internet in some form. Many people are prone to internet scams due to the internet. The internet is a vast network that exchanges a wide range of information. It connects all PC's to each other which makes it easier for scams to occur.

Forms and Examples
Forms of internet scams vary. One form is Purchase Frauds. Purchase Frauds require the bank account along with the details of the account (codes). Some people are also worried about giving their security number to hotels, travel planners, and many more. Their security numbers are usually found on the back of their credit card (3-digit number). This, in return, would give the person involved the ability to use the credit card for any online transactions. There is a big difference between a scam and an internet scam. A perfect example of a scam is the Ponzi Scheme which "is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation." A real example of Internet Scams is the Nigerian Scam, AKA the 419. 

We all received emails from a wealthy unknown person from Nigeria regarding a small unskilled task that the victim would do. In return, the victim would get a "large payments". There is a common scam in which a woman in Africa wanted to put in millions of dollars into a "good church" after her husband had died. She would take the money of his estate and "invest it".People are prone to their senses and sometimes it gets the better of them. The task for the victims would include "endless legal and other fees" that must be paid. In which in return, they would offer a large cut. This does not happen and the more money you put in, the more they will try to take every single penny from your account.

Many governments have moved swiftly to monitor these scams and it has been proven successful in most cases. The internet is so vast that it makes it almost impossible to track most scams, but as time progresses, its becoming more and more likely to stop due to improvements in anti-virus programs, browser detection, and tracking. 

I honestly believe that scams are easily detected from the majority of people. They are usually sent to the junk mail in most emails. The 419 is just the tip of the iceberg. Scams are now usually found on social websites due to the large advertisements. The more we learn about scams, our awareness will increase as a result. This, in return, would make a dramatic decrease in scam victims. We cannot stop it, but we can certainly avoid it.

For more information, visit the pages listed below:

Having missed the first week of school due to Military complications, I have work overload. I never imagined the first week would be so important. I kind of understand though due to the term being so short. I have to keep up with the work that was assigned in all my classes. All my modules require me to be present and focused every day. At the end of the day, I become so tired that I just pass out on the bed.

English & CIT
English and CIT were fine in the beginning, but I realised that these modules won't be a stroll in the park. I have a lot of work for both CIT and English which require me to do weekly work. For english, I have to research and start writing on my essay.  CIT has daily work and keeps me preoccupied throughout the whole week. From excel spreadsheets to photoshop work, I have no time to breathe.

Mechanics & Pure Maths 1
Coming back to Mechanics was such a lovely thing. I was always enthusiastic about coming to class even though I was late most of the times. A lot of people were not able to get a good mark for Pure Maths 1 so the school decided to put a class for 2 hours a week so we can be ready for the exam. Mr. Richard Pugsley is the one teaching Pure Maths 1 and I'm learning a lot from him. Due to my rigorous schedule, I have 9 AM classes everyday, I have to be ready for all classes.

Matter & Waves
At first, I believed Matter & Waves to be much simpler than Electricity & Fields. The teacher was doing well to explain each and every single detail to us. I was breezing through the first 2 weeks. However, once I went back to read my notes and apply what I've learned, my mind went blank. We had to consume so much information in so little time. What we did not realise is that Matter & Waves involves Maths, Physics, and Mechanics all in one. I'm only in my first two weeks and I'm already starting to stress about my exams.

What a year it has been. It's the final push to be accepted into my preferred university. I did not know whether I would meet the conditions put forth by Queen Mary. I thought to myself that it was time to pull up our sleeves and start getting dirty. My whole university life depends on these last couple of weeks. I received my report days before I started the new term. My hands were trembling and my head started spinning. The grades I expected were way off. There was no way I would have been able to go to Queen Mary with the grades I had. I was freaking out and I was panicking. The problem with me is when I panic, I start to be a bit paranoid. I try to get my head off of things, but my mind is just denying anything I do. I have to re-sit 6 exams and try to get the best possible score in all of them. There is no retreat. There is no light at the end of the tunnel if I don't do well. Its a make or break for me. After being rejected from most universities in the US for my high school grades, I cannot handle another rejection from the universities, here in the UK.  My mission: I have to go through 8 weeks of hell and perform a miracle. I never say die and that is the reason why I have not put up the white flag. My dad always told me that everywhere you go, you will face challenges. Ones you do not expect will put you through hell, but you will feel so accomplished and proud of yourself when you fight for something you want and believe in. Week One - It's been going good so far, but I expect it to get really hectic by the time I reach the exams.