Having missed the first week of school due to Military complications, I have work overload. I never imagined the first week would be so important. I kind of understand though due to the term being so short. I have to keep up with the work that was assigned in all my classes. All my modules require me to be present and focused every day. At the end of the day, I become so tired that I just pass out on the bed.

English & CIT
English and CIT were fine in the beginning, but I realised that these modules won't be a stroll in the park. I have a lot of work for both CIT and English which require me to do weekly work. For english, I have to research and start writing on my essay.  CIT has daily work and keeps me preoccupied throughout the whole week. From excel spreadsheets to photoshop work, I have no time to breathe.

Mechanics & Pure Maths 1
Coming back to Mechanics was such a lovely thing. I was always enthusiastic about coming to class even though I was late most of the times. A lot of people were not able to get a good mark for Pure Maths 1 so the school decided to put a class for 2 hours a week so we can be ready for the exam. Mr. Richard Pugsley is the one teaching Pure Maths 1 and I'm learning a lot from him. Due to my rigorous schedule, I have 9 AM classes everyday, I have to be ready for all classes.

Matter & Waves
At first, I believed Matter & Waves to be much simpler than Electricity & Fields. The teacher was doing well to explain each and every single detail to us. I was breezing through the first 2 weeks. However, once I went back to read my notes and apply what I've learned, my mind went blank. We had to consume so much information in so little time. What we did not realise is that Matter & Waves involves Maths, Physics, and Mechanics all in one. I'm only in my first two weeks and I'm already starting to stress about my exams.

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